Brandon Roberts

Brandon Roberts

As we bid farewell to the year that left us with more questions than answers (thanks a lot, 2023), we find ourselves at the crossroads of tradition and rebellion. Yes, it’s when we’re bombarded with the pressure to make New Year’s resolutions – those well-intentioned pledges last about as long as a snow cone in a sauna.

But fear not, my fellow resolution rebels, for I bring tidings of merriment and a manifesto to celebrate the joyous act of not making any resolutions. Why set ourselves up for the inevitable disappointment when we can bask in the blissful ignorance of our unresolved ambitions?

Let’s face it; New Year’s resolutions are like diets – they start with enthusiasm, everyone’s on board, and then a week later, you find yourself eating peanut butter cups in the dark, muttering, “I’ll start tomorrow.” So, this year, let’s collectively decide to skip the guilt trip and embark on the uncharted territory of resolutionless living.

Instead of pledging to hit the gym five times a week, let’s resolve to dance to our favorite songs in our living rooms. Why bother with the commitment to a sugar-free, gluten-free, fun-free diet when you can savor the culinary delights life offers? Embrace the joy of spontaneity, whether it’s a midnight rendezvous with a pint of cookie dough ice cream or a secret affair with the office vending machine.

Let’s raise a glass to the unsung heroes of the New Year – the undecorated, the unproclaimed and the wonderfully unresolved. Here’s to a year of spontaneity, laughter and the blissful ignorance of unmet expectations.

In the grand tradition of non-resolutions, may your year be filled with delightful surprises, unexpected detours and the freedom to embrace life’s chaos. May your path be paved with the delightful potholes of unpredictability.

Brandon Roberts is managing editor of The Independent. He may be reached by email at